Everyone is one of the twelve zodiac signs. Which one you are depends on the year you were born in. The zodiac signs are all different animals. Those animals are the: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, roster, dog, boar. There are many tales that tell of how these animals were picked, that are all different, but one thing they all say was that they said that the rat and the cat were friends and were going to become zodiac signs together, but then the rat betrayed the cat so the cat never got to become a zodiac sign. All though the zodiac signs are Chinese they still have words to say them in Japanese. Below you can check which zodiac sign you are and learn how to say what zodiac sign you and your family members are.
Rat(Nezumi): 2008,1996,1984,1972,1960,1948
Ox(Ushi): 2009,1997,1985,1973,1961,1949
Tiger(Tora): 1998,1986,1974,1962,1950
Rabbit(Usagi): 1999,1987,1975,1963,1951
Dragon(Tatsu): 2000,1988,1976,1964,1952
Snake(Hebi): 2001,1989,1977,1965,1953
Horse(Uma): 2002, 1990,1978,1966,1954
Sheep(Hitsuji): 2003,1991,1979,1967,1955
Monkey(Saru): 2004,1992,1980,1968,1956
Rooser(Tori): 2005,1993,1981,1969,1957
Dog(Inu): 2006,1994,1982,1970,1958
Boar(Inoshishi): 2007,1995,1983,1971,1959
Of course it's pointless to know what sign you are if you don't know how to say what sign you are. To say what sign you are you start off by saying your sign for instance Tora then you would say doshi desu. So say you were born in the year of the dog you would say Inu doshi desu. It's very short and easy to learn!
Then if you want to be even more advanced you can even learn how to say your family members signs. To say your family members signs you start off by saying the family member in this case lets say your Dad, so you would say Otosan after saying the family member you say wa then you would say the animal sign he is followed by doshi desu. For example Otosan wa inoshishi doshi desu means my Dad is the sign of the boar.