Everybody who's ever lived has had a family and just like an introduction it's eventually gonna come up in conversation. So you should be prepared for when it does. Here's what you need to know for when the time comes.

In Japanese they have specific words for each different types of family members. So here if you were to say I have two sisters the person would probably ask if they were older or younger, in Japanese they have specific words for older and younger siblings. All the family members you will need to know can be seen below.
Big sister-Onesan
Little sister-Imoto
Big brother-Oniisan
Little borther-Ototo
If you want to call them something for isntance say my Mum is a dragon you say Okasan wa Tatsu desu. You start off by saying the family memeber in this case it was Mother you would then say wa, followed by the thing you want to call them, after the thing you have called them you say desu.
Some people love their pets and consider them a part of their family. If you are one of those people then you should read this part if you want to learn how to say what pets you have. The question someone would ask you too see if you have any pets would be: Petto o katta imasu ka. Then you would reply either Iie which means no or hai which means yes. If you said yes then you would say hai the animal you have then o katte imasu. For an example I will say I have a rabbit "hai usagi o katte imasu". To see more animals go to the zodiac page.
Then comes the last part how to say how many people in your family. To say how many people in your family you start of by saying kazoku ni then you would say the number of family members but you dont just put in the numbers. Families have a specific word for the number of family members in order from one to ten are hitori, futari sannin, yonnin, gonin, rokunin, shichinin, hachinin, kunin and junin. After two they are all the same as the numbers just with a nin at the end. then you end with imasu, an example is kazoku ni gonin imasu. For tricks to learn all the family member numbers see the tips page.
Then comes the last part how to say how many people in your family. To say how many people in your family you start of by saying kazoku ni then you would say the number of family members but you dont just put in the numbers. Families have a specific word for the number of family members in order from one to ten are hitori, futari sannin, yonnin, gonin, rokunin, shichinin, hachinin, kunin and junin. After two they are all the same as the numbers just with a nin at the end. then you end with imasu, an example is kazoku ni gonin imasu. For tricks to learn all the family member numbers see the tips page.