
Maths is a necessity in everyday life and is all based around numbers. So numbers are essential when learning another language. Japanese numbers are relatively easy to learn once you know how to count to ten as they all follow a pattern. The pattern is similar to the one roman numerals follow only even easier, when a number increases above ten for this instance say were saying the number twelve you would say ten-two,when you get over twenty  you would say two-ten-two because there are two blocks of ten and two single units. This continues throughout the whole number system for when you get to two hundred you say two- hundred-two-ten-two. So all you need to do is learn to count to ten and learn how to the say the base units like one hundred and one thousand. Below is each of the numbers you will need to know and how to draw the symbol for it in kanji.

English:                                       Japanese:                        Symbol:
Zero                                           Rei                                  
One                                            Itchi                                
Two                                           Ni                                    
Three                                          San                                 
Four                                           Shi/Yon                           
Five                                            Go                                   
Six                                              Roku                               
Seven                                         Nana/Shichi                     
Eight                                           Hachi                                
Nine                                           Ku                                     
Ten                                             Ju                                     
One hundred                               Hyaku                               
One thousand                              Sen                                    
Ten thousand                               Man                                   
One hundred million                     Oku                                   
One trillion                                   Tyoo