When greeting someone you start with a bow like the one shown above. But it isn't like you see in tv shows you don't put your hands together in front of you when you do bow you just put them to you sides and tilt down a little. After that if you're just meeting a person for the first time you would start of your introduction by saying Hajimemashite which means nice to meet you. Then your next step depends on which gender and how old you are. Next of course would be to say your name in which you would say watashi wa or boku wa then your name followed by desu. Watashi wa is what females say, boku wa is what males say. However only boy children say boku wa full grown men say watashi wa. For example I would say Boku wa Sean desu (but remember the u in desu is silent).
After your name you would say your age which is very similar to how you say your name. You start of saying your age the same way as you would your name with watashi wa or boku wa then you would say your age in my case I would say juni sai desu. The only difference between this and the name is that you add the sai. Then for your phone number, when telling someone your phone number you start by saying denwa bango wa then you would say your number and after your number you would say desu. Phone numbers in Japan are eight numbers long and half way through your phone number you say no. For instance I might say denwa bango wa ku hatchi nana roku no go yon san ni desu. Then your done and you finish by saying yorishiku onegaishimasu.
Finally writing your name if you would like to learn how to write your name and find out what it means in Japanese simply click this link: http://japanesetranslator.co.uk/dictionaries/your-name-in-japanese/